I have been engaged in the study or practice of Chinese medicine in one form or another for half my life now. After spending a year studying Mandarin at Shanghai University as part of my Chinese Studies degree with University College Cork I enrolled in Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, eventually obtaining an advanced certificate in Acupuncture and Tuina. A few years later I got my Masters of Science in Chinese Herbal Medicine from the University of Westminster.
My relationship with Chinese / East Asian medicine is multi-faceted and always evolving. As a practitioner my focus is on chronic conditions, mental-emotional manifestations of illness and respiratory conditions both chronic and acute. I am a part-time lecturer and masters supervisor with the Northern College of Acupuncture in York. As student liaison officer for the UK - Taiwan Academy of Traditional Medicine I bring qualified acupuncturists and herbalists to Taiwan to study with and observe the great doctors there in both private clinics and public hospitals.
As consultant practitioner with Herbprime Chinese medicine suppliers I assist with the testing and marketing of their innovative and environmentally-friendly products and clinical equipment. In this capacity I have also visited Taiwan to photograph and film Sun Ten Pharmaceuticals, who produce world-class herbal medicines grown and processed to the highest quality. These are the herbs I prescribe in my own clinic.
Lately my focus has been on the need for secure and sustainable herbal medicine supply chains to ensure the vital role I believe herbal medicine will play in global health in the near future, as well as the people working on the frontlines of these issues. On a smaller scale, in my clinical work I am fascinated by the roles of ritual and environment on the health of individuals and finding ways to incorporate this into practice.
Outside China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.
With staff of China Medical University and UKTATM practitioners
Ocular acupuncture specialist Dr Yu and Lara Serviolle and Belgude Munkhtulga of the UKTATM
Interviewing Prof. Hsu Chung-Hua - Clinician, Researcher and Bestselling Author
Renowned tuina doctor Prof. Fan Bian Hua and students of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
Interviewing Prof. Lin of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University on herbal medicine research.
Interviewing Prof. Fan Pey Chen of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
In the forests of FenQiHu, Taiwan.

Dr. Su Shan Yu - Researcher, Lecturer and Expert in Women's Health.
Prof. Hsu Chung-Hua
Herbs are prepared at Hu Qing Yu Tang pharmacy in Hangzhou.
Experiments with macro needle photography
With Dr. Su and students at China Medical University Hospital, Taichung.
My acupoint teacher Dr. Chen Xiao Jun at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University.
The great Dr. Feng Ning Han, master of Nine Palaces Acupuncture and a wonderful teacher.
Dr. Feng's Clinic, Hangzhou.
Chinese medicine networking event - Hangzhou.
With Dr. Danny, acupuncturists, Taichung, Taiwan.
Giving a talk on Chinese Medicine at Omedia Language College, Yangshuo, China.
My classmate Sanpu, diagnostics and herbs teacher Dr. Lu Zhong and myself, Hangzhou.
Fire Dragon Moxibustion with yaojiu / herb-soaked alcohol.